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Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist Makes Patients Feel Safe While Under His Gentle Care
Jean PR Maddahi
Whenever we experience what we consider physical or emotional pain we can subsequently experience fear and anxiety upon finding ourselves once again facing what looks like the same threat. For instance, if a dog bites us all future encounters with dogs could trigger fear and anxiety. Understanding this most fundamental cause-and-effect emotional dynamic, Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, has gone to great lengths to help his patients feel safe while under his gentle care using high tech tools and procedures.
When a person has had the misfortune of experiencing unnecessary pain while being treated by their dentist, they will tend to avoid regular dental checkups and treatment. It’s not uncommon to hear that someone has not been to his or her dentist in years. Even though more and more research is coming to the forefront on the correlation between oral health and the overall health of the body, some people will continue to avoid the threat they feel awaits them in the dental chair.
Dentistry has come a long way. Or more specifically, there is now available to dentists a great array of technological advancements that reduce pain and discomfort. Some dentists will implement these advancements while others will not. Some place a high priority on their patients’ overall experience and consider it to be their responsibility to make it as positive, comfortable and gentle as possible – while others are solely focused on the nuts-n-bolts of the treatment and will leave their patients to cope” with the emotional and physical side effects.
As an example of available cutting edge pain-free technology, let’s look at the Air Drill which removes surface decay by using air pressure instead of a metal drill. Imagine a mini sand blaster, but instead of sand – fine aluminum oxide (baking soda) powder is used as the abrasive substance. Air forces the powder out of a tiny wand using just the right pressure to enable the dentist to eliminate the decay on a tooth. Because direct metal-on-tooth friction is not occurring, extreme heat is not generated which means painless decay removal. Painless decay removal means anesthesia is not needed. No anesthesia, no needles. No needles, no pain.
Additionally, a patient can have a prior negative dental experience trigger simply by the sound of a whirring drill. The quiet Air Drill removes that trigger from the equation allowing the patient to feel safe and remain relaxed.
As stated, the Air Drill is used primarily for surface decay. This drill-free dentistry tool works hand-in-glove with DIAGNOdent, a laser system that finds decayed areas prior to seeing the hole on the surface of the tooth, thereby locating decayed areas that x-rays do not detect. Drill-free air abrasion dentistry allows the dentist to practice micro-dentistry, the removal of small hard to get to fissure and pit decay.
What Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kourosh Maddahi has built his practice upon – is his knowledge and commitment to the use of technological advances which enable him to detect decay at it’s earliest stage so that it can be efficiently and gently removed. The structural integrity of the tooth is not compromised, as is the case when decay goes undetected and becomes a bigger problem. With these and other advanced technologies, patients no longer need to endure extreme, invasive and painful procedures.High tech dentistry
in combination with skill and aesthetics brings a
beautiful, natural smile
at the hands of
Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist
, Dr. Kourosh Maddahi.
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