Why Hit Count is Important


James Cochrane


Many people use auction sites like eBay to make a living online. But just finding products to sell and listing them on a site like eBay doesn’t automatically lead to success. In fact, blindly going about selling on eBay (or any selling for that matter) can lead to losses that will discourage even the most aggressive seller. With online auctions, people tend to look only at the number of bids when researching which items sold. While bid counts are helpful, this article will show why hit count is important. In fact, more often than not, it is more important than bid count.

What Is Hit Count?

Hit count is exactly what it sounds like; it’s the number of hits that your auction, or site, etc., gets. Bid count means the number of bids that an auction receives. These terms are both pretty obvious in their meaning. But their impact is a tad more subtle. On the surface, it would seem that the bid count is more important but that is often not the case. Over time, if your hits are high, statistically your auctions are going to sell. In contrast, if you look at auctions that have a high bid count, that could indicate a one time event. Sure, the one with a high bid count means that the item has sold. But if you look at the any listings with hit counts that are high, chances of that item selling are pretty great – and at typically higher prices that items that just have higher bid counts. So as you can see, this is a good indication of why hit count is important.

Hit Count Can Help You Increase Sales

People typically don’t care why hit count is important but do so at the risk of not increasing your sales. High hit counts mean that the listing used the correct keywords for search engines or the auction engines to find easily. High hit counts can be used to emphasize other auctions that are included with that particular auction engine (such as eBay) so even if the one listing that has high hit counts is not getting bids, it gives you ample opportunity to up- or cross- sell other listings. As long as the other listings are strategically mentioned, this is perfectly valid within most auction engines. So can you see now why hit count is important?

Using Other Listings as a Guide

So how does one go about creating listings with high hit counts? One proven way is to emulate what others have done (but making sure you make it original – don’t just copy someone else directly). Using eBay as an example, they have on their site the ability to see which items have sold and will show you the hit counts on those listings (most sellers will include a hit counter). It is simply a matter of looking through each listing and exploring what keywords they used in that listing and incorporate them into yours.


Now if you are thinking that seems like a lot of time consuming work, I would agree that this would not necessarily be the most optimal way to find high hit counts. You will begin abandoning the whole question of why hit count is important if you do this too much. There is a tool that can really help you that I list in the resource section of this article. This tool gives the best selling products on eBay along with bid counts, hit counts plus a whole lot more. This tool will truly show you why hit count is important.

There aren’t many tools that can give you hit count and doing it manually will take forever.

— CLICK HERE — to discover a tool that can give you that hit count advantage

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