Submitted by: Safron Jeen

A diabetic is required to be extremely vigilant about his feet. If the feet are neglected, gangrenous changes may develop, when there may not be any alternative other than the removal of the gangrenous part of the foot/limb. The following should be strictly followed:

(i) The feet should be properly cleansed with soap and water. These should be properly dried, especially in between the toes.

(ii) If the feet tend to sweat, apply any powder, especially in between the toes.

(iii) Injury to feet should be avoided. If injury occurs, it should be dressed using alcohol or mercurochrome. Do not bandage tightly and avoid adhesive tape. Local antiseptics which are likely to irritate/burn the skin should not be used. Oral antibiotics are required to combat infection..

(iv) Do not use hot water bottle or heating pads on the feet.

(v) Do not soak sore feet in hot water.

(vi) Avoid tight shoes. New shoes should be comfortable. They should be broad at the tip so as not to jam the toes.


(vii) Socks with a tight elastic band should not be used. In winter, warm stockings are preferred.

(viii) If your feet ache, remove shoes and sit with legs elevated to hip level. This should be done regularly.

(ix) Never walk barefooted.

(x) Nails should be cut straight across and filed carefully to avoid rough ends. They may be cut after a bath when soft. If they tend to crack, leave them for the doctor’s care.

(xi) Corns should not be cut. Do not apply corn remover.The doctor should be consulted.

(xii) A careful examination of the feet is required by the physician. The feet should be regularly examined for any injury, loss of temperature; inter-toes area must be looked into lest a hidden area of gangrene is missed.

(xiii) Tingling sensation in the feet, numbness or coldness of feet, change of colour of skin, like deep-red, or purple in between toes, toe-nails, and pain, tenderness, sepsis of feet are some of the warning signals. The physician should be immediately consulted.

Other instructions for diabetics

(i) A diabetic should bathe regularly. Powder should be used frequently in areas of skin prone to excessive sweating.

(ii) Infection anywhere in the body should be promptly treated. Care must be taken to reduce the dose of antidiabetic drugs as the infection is controlled, otherwise hypoglycaemia may occur. During infection more dosages of antidiabetic drugs are required for the control of diabetes.

(iii) Injury to any part of body should be avoided.

(iv) Regular walks help; both in the control of diabetes and in improving the circulation of blood in the limbs.

(v) One should not sit cross-legged for long periods of time, e.g. in cinema halls, air journeys, etc.

(vi) Avoid underpants that are tight around the thighs.

(vii) Stress in general should be avoided.

(viii) A diabetic should know the drugs of common usage which increase blood sugar, like oral contraceptives, corticoids, etc. It is important to know this to control blood sugar while taking antidiabetic drugs. One should also be cautious when one is on a diet/exercise programme to control diabetes

(ix) A diabetic should see his doctor regularly. He should keep a schedule both for medicines and diet, and spare time for exercise.

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